Blogger Recognition Award (And My advice to new bloggers :-) )

A huge thank you to Aki (The Learnify) for nominating me! We’re friends for only a few days and you’re already throwing me reasons to smile so I’m sharing this with everyone- To spread the smiles lol!

So before we go on, in order to accept this award, I gotta follow the rules and complete the following tasks- or what I prefer to call, the “Trials of Ascension” (It’s more fun this way 😉

The Rules (ToA)

1: Write a post to show your award. [Checked]
2: Thank the person that nominated you. [Checked]
3: Briefly describe your journey as a blogger.
4: Give advice to other bloggers.
5: Nominate the deserving ones.

My journey as a blogger

It’s been epically fun and enlightening! I’ve made quite a number of friends and definitely met a lot of people, all of which, have taught me things which I otherwise, wouldn’t have known nor learned about the world. Let me share a little on what I’ve learned below.

From the vast different cultural lifestyle to the drastic environment, living conditions and even history that some of you guys have to live through. Aside from social issues (Anxiety, depression etc), I’ve also met people who’ve shared their tragic life stories with me and sad to say, there are some stories that started since childhood and it haunts them even till today in adulthood.

All these were learned while running my previous blog (Back in 2014), which contributed to my life and is definitely one of the reasons that inspired me to start this Project BIY.

My advice to bloggers

This one especially goes out to the new bloggers.

Most of you always ask (Or secretly wonder):
“How can I get more readers and traffic?”

I was there before so I understand the frustration that you feel.
After posting something which you’ve spent hours crafting (what may also feel like a masterpiece) and having it ending up getting little to no attention IS very vexing. But don’t worry, I got an answer down below and the answer is pretty simple to understand!

You just gotta do these:

  1. Create – Create Great Content – By GC, I mean content that matters to people. Write about contents OR write in ways that people can relate to! Try it out and see the difference 😉
  2. Share – You gotta share it with people so that people will know you exist!
    Heck, even a ghost wouldn’t know you’re in it’s haunted mansion if you don’t go around yelling “Hello? Anybody home??”
    But of course, that’s not a recommended move if you ever find yourself in one… Which brings us to the next point;
  3. Seek out others – The only way to get to people is to GO to them. Seek out other blogs and other communities to get LinkedIn (See what I did there?).
    Talk to everyone, comment about their posts and in return, let them come to you and then forge a relationship there!
    There’s a reason why the blogosphere is such a positive community- We are all friends here! Some are even more like family 🙂
  4. DON’T STOP POSTING – Nobody wants to visit a blog that’s no longer active. There’s no interaction, no activity and hence, no purpose to even be there. Unless your contents are REALLY good or forever relevant somehow to people’s lives.

You’re probably thinking now:

“What?! I gotta do ALL that? I thought you said the answer was simple?? You lying Dick!”

Well first off, this is my blogpost and I’m running a Dictatorship in here so yes, I am a “Dict” 🙂
Second, I said it’s simple to understand (I even did this <BOLD + UNDERLINED> to the words earlier.
Made you look 😀 ) but I certainly didn’t say the process is going to be easy!

If you want traffic, that’s the best way that I know of. Now you know one of the best ways to get traffic? It’s up to you on whether you’re willing to hustle to get it. As the saying goes- You can teach a man how to fish but whether he fishes or not, it’s entirely up him.

My Nominees…

Are you guys. Enjoy 😉

Aakansha (Brooding in the Tepid Dusk) –

RG (Just A Random Girl’s Blog) –

Linden Forest Brooke (Tweetlessblogmore) –

Loren (littlemissmishap) –

Arv (Jaipur thru my lens) !! –

Pranavya –

Karuchan90 –

Karen Solt –

K (free2bme27) –

Whirly Squirrel –

Pop Cultural Studies –

James L (The Manifesto of Perfection) –

Aki (The Learnify) –

Loud Thoughts Voiced Out –

C (happymeerkatreviews) –

Musings Of A Whimsical Soul –

Bhaili – Your Friend –

Vincent Carlos –

Bella (ThoughtsnLifeBlog) –

twinmum1 –

Mithai –

Anjali Soni –

Jhaneel – Jhaneel Lockhart

Mithai Mumblezz – Mithai Mumblezz

AkshayOffical – Finding Inner Beauty😉

KT – ktwritings

Sanya Monga – theexultantpheonix

Sandy Ravage Jr (Critical Dispatches) –

Sparklingthoughts –

Lindsay –

Autumnchocolatebooks –

LadyFashion93 (Bathing Suits) –

Carina Spring –

mobilni telefoni –

Natalie (The Girl in the Little Black Dress) –

Jo (Jo’s Shelf Life) –

Olive Ole –

Vinita (Mysteryvita) –

Ivy Iris Stevens (Finding A reason for Being)-

Giulia (TheHighHeeledPaperGirl) –

Chanty –

afemmefetale –

FofoFl’or –

Ranjita –

Les FOOD Amants® –

Ben Redgell –

Robert C. Day (Levishedated) –

Ryan Castillo –

Le Panda Baby –

Jay Colby –

Kind & Bold –

Emma (Emma’s Guide to the Galaxy) –

Cross All Boundaries –

UndulyUnruly –

Thoughts of a Socially Anxious Extrovert –

Amy (Amy111rose) –

Clusters of Inspiration –

everything but sugar –

Bongre –


Sparky Jen “No Beating Around the Bush Allowed!” –

Eddy Gardiner (LIGHTS OVERHEAD) –

Summer (xingsings) –

Fictional Fox –

Dharma in Heels –

But Why? –

Seeking God in every detail… –

Simply Me😉 –

The Resilient One –

[Link Test] –

P.S. You’d probably noticed if you went to my previous blog that there posts and articles with the same title in it. Just an FYI, the ones here on PBIY is the updated version. The gist of the article is the same – Just that some of it has been edited a little so that it’s improved upon (Even the about me page is updated!). Feel free to check out either version though!

[Image featured today in this article is by Aki (The Learnify)]

50 thoughts on “Blogger Recognition Award (And My advice to new bloggers :-) )

  1. Haha,you did make me look! I scrolled back to double check. You are spot on with your advice to other bloggers. Especially #4!! I didn’t start getting regular followers until I posted almost every day. #3 is also super important, make yourself known and be a part of the community. Congrats on the award!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Smiling is one of the best face massages one can give to oneself as it not only relaxes the face, the heart as well (Even when you are faking it, not kidding, scientifically proven!) and this is what’s happening on my face right now because of your comment so thank you 🙂

      I’m glad you got things figured out too because not everyone get’s the chance to have self discovery/enlightenment occuring to them. Kudos to you for all your hard work at your food/fitness blog too 😉

      Let’s keep working hard together champ!
      And thanks for the visit and awesome comment!

      Your pal,

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Yes, hard work pays off, I love your blog and your positive attitude. It’s great to have good positive connections, nice that we have met in this blogging community! I’m glad to have made you smile and now you have made me smile as well.

        Liked by 2 people

    1. This blog, I just started it a few months back but didn’t have time to really work on till recent days lol!

      Gotta make some changes in life- re-prioritize things and re-organize lifestyle so that the things that matter actually gets taken care of heh.
      Things are gonna be interesting from here on out 😉

      Your pal,

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Glad to accept it.

      Honestly though, I nominated every single one of my followers (Who’ve already followed me back then) and I was able to do it because I’ve recently compiled the full list for my BoH post.

      You nominated me right after I finished linking every single one of my followers in that post and hence I got to use that for this one as well to nominate everyone.

      Talk about timing lol! Then again,
      I do believe everyone who’s trying to make a difference via blogging (Be it for yourself or others) deserve the award 🙂

      Let’s pin up this Award Badge designed by you on our sites! Looks nice btw 😉

      Your pal,

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Congratulations on the award. Very good advice for new bloggers. I notice my traffic is dead when I haven’t posted for a few days :o! Thank you so much for nominating me, I’ve never been nominated for this award before thank you 🙂 :D!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Damn boy, thanks! I feel honored and guess what? I also felt some of that post was to me haha. Thanks for always been there when needed!

    By the way, you have some really great advices which will help me get my blog back to where it was or better, so thanks again(?)

    Have a nice day!


    Liked by 2 people

    1. Npm RG! You’ve always been around when I needed someone too so we’re even 😛

      Anyway, start blogging again if it helps make things better! Remember, if something works, repeat! If something don’t work, STOP and rediscover. Awesome.

      If you ever wanna chat, as always, just tweeter text me! Keep me posted, RG 🙂

      Your pal,

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Hey! I nominated you for The Liebster Award 🙂 Check out my recent post to see.
    Since you’ve done this one^ you don’t have to do another if you don’t want 🙂 Thanks.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Congratulations Benjamin. I enjoyed reading this post. Create, Share, seek out others and don’t stop posting, those are best and apt advice to the new bloggers. Simple yet powerful!!!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Congrats on your nomination! 😃
    Loved the advice, the traffic part is conpletely true. I also believe that although you can create posts that appeal to the audience, I think it’s always best to write about whatever pleases you to write about. I think that’s the beauty of the blogosphere, to have diversity. People know when to appreciate something unique, and that along with the attempts of generating traffic can be a good formula. 😄😊

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Totally agree here. Blog about what you’ve set out to blog about in the first place or whatever that you’re passionate about!

      If you are passionate about it, you will definitely know stuff about it that others don’t. That’s when you share these knowledges and experiences to your readers which would allow them to learn and want more from you because you start to make a difference to them in their lives! Awesome 😉

      One of the million dollar question which we always fail to realise or ask ourselves is this:
      You are blogging for a reason- do you know what the reason is? We gotta be honest here because it is pivotal that you know exactly what you want out of the experience and act.

      Is it just for fun? Or is there more to it? Perhaps you’re doing it for miscellaneous objectives as well such as attention or Social approval? Perhaps even Money as well?

      Whatever it is, if we want to be effective in what we do, as with blogging and everything else in life- we got to understand and know ourselves in a deep level before we even start.

      That’s when we gotta be honest in the way we do things- Ensure our actions synchronise with our thoughts. No point telling ppl you are blogging for fun when you are in actual fact, trying to earn a living through it (Makin it a career is possible but there’s lots of stuff to cover lol) cause this will not only drive away traffic because you aren’t being honest (ppl can tell somehow), you will likely give up halfway through because you don’t see any income coming your way via blogging.

      If you got no money coming in from a medium which you specifically chose to help you earn or make money? You are likely going to abandon it as a “failed project”. If you know that’s what’s going to happen, might as well use the yet-to-spent time on other projects which might actually churn in more “profits” for you.

      In this context, time = money. So whether it’s gonna be “Money well spent” or not that’d be entirely up to you 😉

      Cheers for the comment! Got me thinking there and that’s just fantabulous XD

      Your pal,

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Yep, again, I agree with you completely! Also, I think that more than making a difference in other people’s lives, there may be others who could feel related to whatever it is that a blogger exposes. For example, past experiences or fiction experience and people who may have gone through it suddenly appreciate your work because it reminds them of something, touches them in some level, or they can relate to it.
        True, most of the bloggers I know have openly expressed they do it because they want an outlet for their thoughts, others for fun, others, as myself, for exposure and in search for growth. Hehe, I think the points you make were really interesting and some that usually people don’t make. That’s great! 😄😊

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Totally. So many things we can learn from each other as well just by doing what we want to do.

        I’m glad the points I make aren’t what you get in a daily basis because that means I’m doing things right 😉

        Cheers for an awesome chat bud! Feel free to chat/comment again on any post and if you want, do “Like” the community’s FB Page and share stuff on the page itself!

        Would love to have you getting involved with the community as well 🙂

        Your pal,

        Liked by 2 people

  7. Why am I just reading this? Omg I never got any notification or anything to this post! I’m so sorry about that! I feel like a bad person now. Thanks for nominating me and so sorry for not finding out about this for some reason 😦 It is great to know that you were nominated as you really deserve it and thanks for the nomination as well. I know it is super late to do this but I will gladly write a thank you post for this. I hope it’s not too late! But how I like to say, “Later is better than Never”, right?
    I’ll get creative now and write a thank you post for this even though it may be a tad bit late! >.<
    Once again I am very sorry xD :c
    -Karuchan .w.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hahaha don’t worry about it bud! It’s all in good spirit!

      Btw Karuchan, knowing that you’re an aspiring writer, I’m thinking of setting up a corner in the forum for story writers like yourself, to assemble and share your writings and perhaps even collaborate.

      How do you feel about writing stories with friends and other people?

      Even for stuff like online Forum RPG. Have you ever heard of that?

      I’m real curious to know how you feel about all this so let me know soon 😉

      Your pal,

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Alright :’) Oo that sounds fun! I would love to collaborate with people and yes, I do know what RPG is, I used to do it all the time in chat rooms. It sounds like a very good idea to be honest. Speaking of collaboration, I haven’t forgotten about the ghost story! I’ll let you know about that soon I promise c: Anyways, that sounds like a very good idea. I like it and it would be a nice way to spend time, get creative and share stories 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Awesome, I will look into setting the thread up for story writers and RPGers.

        What do you think we should call it? “Writer’s Den”? (I’ll leave it as this for the moment lol)

        Before we can collaborate, I think we’ll need a place to plan things and also, for other new writers to meet as well so that other people can gather for their own “Adventures” too.

        I’m thinking of this like we’re a tavern, holding a place for adventurers to come into, find their crew/party before setting off for an adventure together lol.

        So it’ll be a thread where writers gather, to find interested “Parties” to discuss what their mission is (Goal/Story genre/etc), the plan (How many and who the characters are etc) and specific rules of the “Fellowship” (E.g. who writes first, what’ll happen if story doesn’t progress because of absentee etc).

        Let me know what you think and do share if you got other ideas 😉

        For now, I’d love to have you join us at the forum for the testing phase. I’m currently inviting fellow like-minded bloggers to join and test things out as well so hopefully you do assist me in making the forum work for everyone 🙂

        Btw, do you wanna be a moderator as well? From the sound of it, you seem to have experience in using a forum and we’ll definitely need help with it lol.

        As of now, we have another blogger friend who expressed interest in this and she is Nina, from

        Let me know yeah? 😉

        Your pal,

        Liked by 2 people

      3. Sure! ^^ I’ll try and register as soon as possible since I’m working on a few things as well :p and mother has been sick so I’ve been taking care of house work and my sisters but I’ll do so as soon as possible!

        Liked by 2 people

      4. Please take your time and wow, didn’t remember you having a sister, let alone SISTERS while I was going through your blog lol!

        First Family comes first. Take care of them, then come to your second family 🙂

        Don’t fall sick yourself too bud, do take care.

        Your pal,

        Liked by 1 person

      5. Yes, I’m the oldest female child, I have two younger sisters and one older brother. Thank you, my mother has gotten better and now I have a bit of free time ^^
        Thanks, take care as well!

        Liked by 2 people

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