The Amazing TRUTH about what Attracts & Influences People

What Attracts & Influences?

What is the thing that makes people feel compelled to follow another? Read on to find out!

Written By Benjamin Ngiam

You’ve been there before, I’m sure. You tell yourself that you are not commanding the respect you deserve nor having the attention you deserve because you do not believe that you are worthy of them.

But hey- What if I were to tell you, like Arthur before he grabbed dear ol’ Excalibur off the rock and became King Arthur, you are worthy as well?

What if I were to tell you that NOT ONLY are you worthy enough to have the respect and attention of the people around you- your opinion, your actions, whatever you choose to do, actually matters and you actually mean something to these people around you?

How will you start behaving?

Will you start behaving a little differently from before? Will there be a drastic change? Or maybe no change at all?

I sincerely hope its not the latter.

I’d like to share with you a concept that is rather elusive to most people. Ironically, its a concept that’s always been going on around you but you don’t see it because its just so hard to spot!

When I first decided to make a change in my life, I did what most people would do, I THOUGHT and READ a lot about the topic. I spent a lot of time studying psychology and human behavior just because it fascinates me as I figured that if I can actually understand the reason to why Human Beings behave the way we do, it would really give me a base to work on.

And since I was slowly gaining more and more insights into things, I thought maybe things just aren’t as complex as we thought it to be.
Perhaps we are just making things complicated by believing that it is!

As soon as I took up this new approach, I saw things in a new perspective and started to break things up and oh boy, things became so simple!
In fact, after having this epiphany, I think it is rather logical and obvious on how things works!

During the time when I was trying to understand and putting all the pieces together, I kept doubting myself. I kept telling myself things cannot be THAT simple because if it is, why isn’t everyone doing it?

That was when I realized this:

It’s all about having an ambitious goal in your life. A BIG DREAM.

I had no idea that I would ever be writing about this to help others but what I am sharing with you right now actually took me YEARS to figure out. That is how elusive it is and how incredible and powerful I feel this insight is, even though it just seem so insignificant.

PEOPLE are attracted to individuals that possesses certain QUALITIES and TRAITS. These individuals seem to be radiating “Power”in everything they do. How do they attain these “Powers”? These QUALITIES and TRAITS comes from within. It stemmed from the Ambition these people have.

Think about it!

When you watch your favorite tv show or read your favorite book. What is the thing that makes the main character so compelling that everyone just wants to hang around them?

Fiction aside, lets look at some of the world’s most influential people throughout history such as Martin Luther King, Winston Churchill, Mahatma Gandhi & Adolf Hitler.

Take a look at some of the most influential people you have met and know in your life. People close to you, people around you.

What are the things that they have in common? They all carry something with them.

That something, is called a dream.

What is a dream? I had this conversation with Jeryl (One of my best friend, you might’ve seen me mentioning him around posts 😉 ) before and he said something I which found, to be really insightful.

“A dream, is an unrealistic goal. In order for you to excel in life, you need to aim high. Ridiculously high. If you want to aim for something realistic and achieve-able by most people’s standards, set a goal. If you want to make it big and make a difference? Have a dream and work towards it. Do not let anyone stop you from achieving it. In fact, work on it everyday. Don’t let it stay for too long though. A dream can turn into a nightmare if you wait too long and miss your chance to see it through”.
Jeryl Yep

That said, it is good to be ambitious and have high expectations for yourself. But, does that mean having a dream would be good enough that you don’t have to work on anything else in your life?

Defin-absolutely not!

If you wish to become a respected and influential individual, you have to become a driven man (Or woman) who can not only charge himself and others around him to become driven and motivated in life, you have to ensure that you have the tools to help you keep the energy up. That is when goal comes in.

What is a goal? A goal is a direction for you to move towards. It is something you set your mind on, and strive your best to achieve it.
A goal, is the driving force in your life.
A dream is the seemingly un-achieveable life goal.

When a person has a goal, he starts to achieve things in his life. When he has a dream, he starts to find ways to ensure the dream becomes reality.
As he starts taking actions, things starts to change. As things to starts to change, it starts to affect people’s lives.

That is how people make a difference. No matter how big or small, the difference is going to be there.

I believe we all have the capacity to achieve that. To make a difference.

I believe YOU are capable of this as well.

YOU are capable of achieving things you want in your life.

YOU are able to make a difference.

So think about it now, if you start to commit yourself into being a more driven individual, you start becoming someone who TAKES ACTION.
When others choose to avoid the pressure needed to become the best that they can be, YOU choose to confront the pressure and use it to help you achieve the potential that you can be as a person.

Do physical looks, money, fame etc play a role in how much of a presence or how respected you would be?

Of course. BUT, they are NOT as important as most people who lead you to believe!

To conclude,

  • People are drawn to Individuals who MAKE THINGS HAPPEN
  • Driven Individuals are the ones who takes up the most presence in a room and hence;
  • Driven Individuals are also the most Influential
  • You have the ability to choose make a difference


This is your life, your story. You are the main character. Let’s fill the rest of the chapters with more amazing story and with a beautiful ending. Let’s start making things happen!

If you got any stories of your own rise over struggles in lifePLEASE SHARE them in the comments and let everyone read it! Be as detailed as you can! Like what issue you had, how did you go about dealing with it and the journey and experience during the tough “Montage” part.
I want everyone to benefit from each others’ life experiences and this is one of the ways we can make a difference in people’s lives 🙂

Do you remember yourself giving advises and helping your close friends and family all those times in the past or maybe even just 20 minutes ago before reading this article?
Now imagine that you can do that WHILE you are asleep as people read your experience and learn something from it or get inspired by it somehow.

Isn’t that awesome? I think it is!

Everyone’s got a story to share so I sincerely hope that you do share yours too.
Don’t be shy! We are all family here so there won’t be any judging 🙂

Talk to you again and hope to hear from you!

Your pal,

[Image featured today is by Crash Symbols]

P.S. Wanna listen to me sharing with you a little secret to life’s happiness? Check out our video on YouTube HERE! It’s not boring, trust me!

20 thoughts on “The Amazing TRUTH about what Attracts & Influences People

    1. Thanks bud!
      Btw, I checked out your blog and I noticed you got no about page. It’s crucial to add one cause new visitors usually head over there first to get a feel and an idea on who they are “Listening” to!

      Let me know when you’ve added it yeah?

      Your pal,


      1. Apologies for the delayed reply- somehow WordPress didn’t notify me of your comment lol! Anyway, glad you enjoyed it bud!

        If you wanna contribute to the community as well, feel free to let me know 😉

        Your pal,

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Nice one Benjamin! I started my writing blog precisely for the same reason – I’ve just had people tell me it’s all wishful thinking, that it won’t be possible to be a writer, no money to be had in this profession…well….you know, it’s Singapore after all LOL but after seeing people getting displaced from their jobs well into their 50s, it would be safe to say that since no one can guarantee a steady job and income in this day and age, why not do something that I want to do??? Great article, by the way.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s the spirit champ 😉

      If you have the means to, strive towards the Stars! Who knows? You might reach heaven! (I mean making your own heaven on earth, not literally going to heaven lol).

      Can I ask you something- what kind of writer do you aspire to become? No obligation to answer if you don’t feel comfortable to bud.

      Just am curious to know if there’s anyway I can help in pushing you towards your dreams. After all, that’s what this community is all about 😉

      Your pal,

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hi Benjamin, no worries, I aspire to write in order to help others find an emotional outlet through my writing…to make the world a better place. It sounds corny but it’s what I’d like to do! Hmmm…now that you ask…would you need any writer on board to write any articles? Lol there isn’t any obligation to accept too, I was just looking at your site and I saw that you were looking for contributors 😄

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Hahaha thanks for the respond bud 🙂
        If you do share the same ideals as myself and everyone else of the PBIY Community, how about joining us in our movement?

        We’d love to have you 🙂

        For contributing via articles, what I do, is I have writers submitting to me what they feel is either inspiring or motivating to help make a difference in someone’s life.

        If you feel that your article can bring value into people’s lives? Submit it to me and I will review it before reblogging and putting it up into a new menu dedicated to featured articles- if I do feel that it can bring value into people’s lives, of course.

        This is actually a new feature which I’ve just started, along with the new community forum; and an upcoming video series on YouTube.

        More on this new video series will be up soon so if you are interested in assisting in any of the mentioned “happenings”- do let me know 😉
        If you haven’t checked out PBIY TV, perhaps you can take a look and let me know if you’d be interested in contributing to that in future?

        It takes A LOT to produce an episode and I’d love to get some help for it when I start with episode 3 lol! We can talk about it further next time if you are interested 😉

        On PBIY, the aim is to bring value into ppl’s lives. You want to make the world a better place through your writing- I deeply respect that fact about you and I hope you will consider joining our community because I truly believe that our community is not just a place where people go to for solace and comfort.

        It is also a place which I aim to make- empowering. Aside from bringing hope into those who’ve fallen into the pit? I want to help bring motivated people up in their life as well. Help them excel.

        In return, they will help others and the chain will go on, creating an epic “Chain of Light”.

        If you join us, perhaps you will be able to meet other writers and hone your crafts together as well by writing together in our community forum? I’ve got a blogger writer who’s very keen in the idea of collaborations and I have this feeling that perhaps the two of you may work well together in creating something. Her name is Karuchan, you might have seen her around WP lol.

        Btw, if you’d like, you can always email me for further discussion on your dreams. I’d love to help you discover ways to help further your writing career. Let me know!

        Hope you’re having a good morning bud 😉

        Your pal,

        P.S. Almost forgot, our forum’s link lol

        Liked by 1 person

  2. This is awesome advice! I recently discovered my dreams, and you are so spot on about the way it makes a person feel. My children have lead me to this discovery. Wanting to be a better mother for them and the desire to share my father with them through a story. The person who is so much a part of my life and who I am, whom, unfortunately, they never got to meet. They also helped me discover my love of gardening because of my strong desire to connect them with nature and all the health, both physical and emotional, benefits it has. My dreams are to publish a book of my father’s story, if only for us to cherish, and become an herbalist who owns an apothecary shop with my family. There are doubts from myself and others at times, that is just how life works, but I keep my dream in sight, believing I will achieve it with determination and support. The realization of how, little by little, life guides and leads me has helped me accept that patience and perseverance are key! If I work at it, read, learn, and continue to have the passion it will develop into the reality I envision. This is, what I believe, is true for anyone!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Anne!

      First, apologies for the late respond- I’ve been superbly busy hah!

      Second, thank you so much for sharing this with me and everyone here on PBIY. I went to your site to read a little and saw a little of your dad’s story (To readers, check out Anne’s blog for these stories. You’ll definitely gain something from them!)
      and happy to say this-
      It definitely has the potential to be life changing. Hell, it is!

      You’ve got a really good dream there and I’d love to see you making that a reality. Be it as a free ebook or even one for sale and perhaps eventually even a bestseller.

      As long as it has value to YOU & OTHERS? I deem it as a fantastic dream to pursue!

      Apothecary business as well, I’m sure it’ll blossom but seeing as how it’s dealing with sale of a product, lots of the factors needs to be considered, which I’m pretty sure you’re aware of since it’s your dream and you’ve probably done your research on it as well hah! As long as you keep it in sight and not stray, it will happen.

      We only fail to achieve something when we stray from the path. Gotta stay focused. Like a puma 😉

      You’re clearly someone who’ve got their own story to share. I hope you will not just share your stories of your dad but of your own as well yeah?

      Why change one life via one method when you can do more right? Awesome.

      Alright, cheers for this epic comment. I hope to talk to you again soon, Anne!

      Till then, hope you’re doing awesome and may the force be with you. Or if you’re not a star wars fan, may lady luck smile upon you lol.

      Your pal,


      1. Wow, thank you so much for your encouragement and inspiring words! I am so grateful that you found my father’s story captivating and have taken the time to visit my blog! Thank you from the bottom of my heart❤! This truly warms my soul. Your friend, Anne

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Your respond is pretty epic as well bud.

        Let’s spread the positivity and warmth to the souls of the world together, eh? 😉

        I thank you from the bottom of my heart as well, for taking the time to read and respond!

        New good friends are hard to find. Glad to have made your acquaintance, Anne!
        If we are to continue our conversation, I will talk to you a little more in our other “Comments conversation”, yeah?

        Would be confusing to be talking over here and there hahahah!

        Your pal,

        Liked by 1 person

  3. This was an awesome motivation. I really loved it. True, we must dream big and high. When you realize your dream / true calling then working towards it becomes fun and its satisfying.
    There’s a quote (from a movie) that I love sharing, ” Always aim for the moon coz even if you couldn’t reach there you’ll at least land among the stars”.
    Our life is full of possibilities. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aye it is true!

      In fact, I quit my job to work on this site and the channel for awhile now and honestly, I’ve never been happier. I’m working harder than ever and am exhausted everyday but I truly am happy and look forward to exhausting myself everyday. Imagine that XD

      Hope you are doing good yourself, Hope 🙂

      Your pal,

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That’s​ what when you love it ; work doesn’t seem like work anymore but a source through which you can earn satisfaction and happiness.

        Anything new n unique needs time and lots of patience to grow.
        You know if you recieve a big success at just one go you might miss the suprise factor and can also start taking that thing for granted.

        Everything is going great here😊😊

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Mmm indeed. Gotta enjoy the grind eh?
        There’s a reason why whenever we look at photos- we smile.

        We recall the struggles and fun times leading up to that moment when the picture was snapped. Awesome 😉

        Good to know you’re doing goooooooddd!

        Keep in touch, yo!

        Your pal,

        Liked by 1 person

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